The racing teams have to create cars that are flexible
enough to run under all conditions. Every one of the 22
Formula One cars on the grid is dependent upon
sophisticated mechanics and electronics to govern its
many complex operational systems.
The engineering of materials, cooling system,
aerodynamics, heat insulation, and the high temperature
structural stiffness of Formula 1 components is leading-
edge technology.
There is electronics involved for the engine management,
the data acquisition from the car to the pit for the
regulation of , brake and engine temperature, suspension
movements, ride height, pedal movements and g-force.
1. Introduction
Car racing is one of the most technologically advanced
sports in the world today. Race Cars are the most
sophisticated vehicles that we see in common use. It
features exotic, high-speed, open-wheel cars racing all
around the world. The racing teams have to create cars
that are flexible enough to run under all conditions. This
level of diversity makes a season of F1 car racing
incredibly exciting. The teams have to completely revise
the aerodynamic package, the suspension settings, and
lots of other parameters on their cars for each race, and
the drivers have to be extremely agile to handle all of the
different conditions they face. Their carbon fiber bodies,
incredible engines, advanced aerodynamics and intelligent
electronics make each car a high-speed research lab. A F1
Car runs at speeds up to 240 mph, the driver experiences
G-forces and copes with incoming data so quickly that it
makes Car driving one of the most demanding
professions in the sporting world. F1 car is an amazing
machine that pushes the physical limitations of
automotive engineering. On the track, the driver shows
off his professional skills by directing around an oval
track at speeds
2. Different parts of F1 car
2.1 The Chasis
Modern f1 Cars are defined by their chassis. All f1 Cars
share the following characteristics:
1. They are single-seat cars.
2. They have an open cockpit.
3. They have open wheels – there are no fenders covering
the wheels
4. They have wings at the front and rear of the car to
provide downforce
5. They position the engine behind the the driver
Fig:-The chasis
The tub must be able to withstand the huge forces
produced by the high cornering speeds, bumps and
aerodynamic loads imposed on the car. This chassis model
is covered in carbon fibre to create a mould from which
the actual chassis can be made. Once produced the mould
is smoothed down and covered in release agent so the
carbon-fibre tub can be easily removed after manufacture
2.2 Cockpit
The cockpit of a modern F1 racer is a very sparse
environment. The driver must be comfortable enough to
concentrate on driving while being strapped tight into his
seat, experiencing G-forces of up to 5G under harsh
braking and 4G in fast corners. Every possible button and
switch must be close at hand as the driver has limited
movement due to tightness of the seat belts. The cockpit is
also very cramped, and drivers often wear knee pads to
prevent bruising. The car designers are forever trying to
lower the centre of gravity of the car, and as each car has
a mass of 600 Kg, with the driver's being roughly 70 Kg,
he is an important factor in weight distribution. This often
means that the drivers are almost lying down in their
driving position.

Fig: Inner view of cockpit
One of the most important features of a formula1 Car is
its aerodynamics package. The most obvious
manifestations of the package are the front and rear
wings, but there are a number of other features that
perform different functions. A formula 1 Car uses air in
three different ways introduction of wings. Formula One
team began to experiment with crude aerodynamic
devices to help push the tires into the track.
Fig: direction of wind during race
3.1 Wind theory
The wings on an F1 car use the same principle as those
found on a common aircraft, although while the aircraft
wings are designed to produce lift, wings on an F1 car are
placed 'upside down', producing downforce, pushing the
car onto the track. The basic way that an aircraft wing
works is by having the upper surface a different shape to
the lower. This difference causes the air to flow quicker
over the top surface than the bottom, causing a difference
in air pressure between the two surfaces. The air on the
upper surface will be at a lower pressure than the air
below the wing, resulting in a force pushing the wing
upwards. This force is called lift. On a racing car, the
wing is shaped so the low pressure area is under the wing,
causing a force to push the wing downwards. This force is
called downforce.
As air flows over the wing, it is disturbed by the
shape, causing what is known as form or pressure drag.
Although this force is usually less than the lift or
downforce, it can seriously limit top speed and causes the
engine to use more fuel to get the car through the air.
Drag is a very important factor on an F1 car, with all parts
exposed to the air flow being streamlined in some way.
The suspension arms are a good example, as they are
often made in a shape of a wing, although the upper
surface is identical to the lower surface. This is done to
reduce the drag on the suspension arms as the car travels
through the air at high speed.
3.2 Rear wing
As more wing angle creates more downforce, more drag
is produced, reducing the top speed of the car. The rear
wing is made up of two sets of aerofoil connected to each
other by the wing endplates. The top aerofoil top provides
most of the downforce and is the one that is varied the
most from track to track. It is now made up of a
maximum of three elements due to the new regulations.
The lower aerofoil is smaller and is made up of just one
element. As well as creating downforce itself, the low
pressure region immediately below the wing helps suck
air through the diffuser, gaining more downforce under
the car. The endplates connect the two wings and prevent
air from spilling over the sides of the wings, maximizing
the high pressure zone above the wing, creating maximum
Fig:- rear wing
3.3 Front wing
Wing flap on either side of the nose cone is asymmetrical.
It reduces in height nearer to the nose cone as this allows
air to flow into the radiators and to the under floor
aerodynamic aids. If the wing flap maintained its height
right to the nose cone, the radiators would receive less air
flow and therefore the engine temperature would rise. The
asymmetrical shape also allows a better airflow to the
under floor and the diffuser, increasing downforce. The
wing main plane is often raised slightly in the centre, this
again allows a slightly better airflow to the under floor
aerodynamics, but it also reduces the wing's ride height
sensitivity. A wing's height off the ground is very critical,
and this slight raise in the centre of the main plane makes
react it more subtlety to changes in ride height. The new-
regulations state that the outer thirds of the front wing
must be raised by 50mm, reducing downforce. Some
teams have lowered the central section to try to get some
extra front downforce, at the compromise of reducing the
quality of the airflow to the underbody aerodynamics
Fig:-Front wing

3.4 Bargeboard
They are mounted between the front wheels and the side
pods, but can be situated in the suspension, behind the
front wheels. Their main purpose is to smooth the
turbulent airflow coming from the front wheels, and direct
some of this flow into the radiators, and the rest around
the side of the side pods.
They have become much more three dimensional in their
design, and feature contours to direct the airflow in
different directions. Although the bargeboards help tidy
the airflow around the side pods, they may also reduce the
volume of air entering the radiators, so reaching a
compromise between downforce and cooling is important
3.5 Diffuser
Invisible to the spectator other than during some kind of
major accident, the diffuser is the most important area of
aerodynamic consideration. This is the underside of the
car behind the rear axle line. Here, the floor sweeps up
towards the rear of the car, creating a larger area of the air
flowing under the car to fill. This creates a suction effect
on the rear of the car and so pulls the car down onto the
Fig:-The diffuser
4. The Brakes
F1 cars use disc brakes like most road cars, but these
brakes are designed to work at 750 degrees C and are
discarded after each race. The driver needs the car to be
stable under heavy braking, and is able to adjust the
balance between front and rear braking force from a dial
in the cockpit. The brakes are usually set-up with 60% of
the braking force to the front, 40% to the rear. This is
because as the driver hits the brakes, the whole weight of
the car is shifted towards the front, and the rear seems to
get lighter. If the braking force was kept at 50% front and
rear, the rear brakes would lock up as there would be less
force pushing the rear tyres onto the track under heavy
These master cylinders contain the brake fluid
for both the front and rear brakes. The front and rear
systems are connected separately so if one circuit would
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